Archives for the month of: March, 2008

One of the most memorable experiences for me at SXSW was a show by the Bowerbirds in the Central Presbyterian Church. That is where my heart was stolen by the Bowerbirds. The amazing acoustics of the church added to their set giving the already beautiful music an aura of spirituality. The Bowerbirds even seemed surprised by the clearness in which their sound was carried through the pews, so much so, that on the last song they sans mics.

Hailing from Raleigh, NC, it is easy to pick up on the free spirit of the Appalachian mountains flowing through their songs. The music has the simple softness of Iron & Wine accompanied by the crooner voice of Sondre Lerche. Accordian, drum, and guitar are the three instruments donned by the trio making up the Bowerbirds, and they still use those sparingly.

“Burk Oak” is a song very typical of their sound. It begins slowly and softly, almost soothing like a campfire song. The accordion and drum trickle in until their sounds are fully released, and they sound along with the band in unison on the chorus. Once you hear it, you know that it was the part of the song you’ve been waiting to hear all along. The lyrics are a bit too deep to gather, but snails, a locket, and the wind is involved. To sum it all up, the Bowerbirds give you a refined glimpse of the happiness that comes to people who lead simple and full lives in the mountains.

Bowerbirds – Burk Oak

You can purchase their album Hymns to a Dark Horse here.

You have to love leak threats and their ability to squeeze record labels into releasing music faster. And so is the story with Gnarls Barkley and The Odd Couple. I just gave the album a couple of listens today due to the prodding of my boyfriend, and I must say that is was quite enjoyable. There wasn’t too much deviation in style from their last album, mainly just a refinement. The standout song to me was “Open Book”. It was the intensity and strain in Cee-Lo’s voice as he bellows and sometimes seem to shout the lyrics. However, it doesn’t stop with just the vocals. A tribal chorus backs Cee-Lo layering with strings all on top of a driving beat infusing a driving energy throughout the entire three minutes. For me “Open Book” was by far the most emotional song of The Odd Couple. Turn this one up to really feel it.

Download: Gnarls Barkley – Open Book

At SXSW this weekend (also known as heaven), I was lucky enough to see Cloud Cult. After listening to some songs off of Meaning of Eight, I was looking forward to the show. The energy was good, and it fit their style of music, which is thoughtful and emotional. An interesting addition to the show was an artist painting a picture of a ram on stage sold afterwards to the highest bidder. All I had was some change and mints, so I passed on the auction. For me, it is Cloud Cult’s level of musicianship that sets them apart. They construct intricate songs with strategically placed sounds and truly beautiful lyrics. After the show I picked up their new album, Feel Good Ghosts (Tea-Partying in Tornadoes). I gave it a couple listens on my way home, and I am quite impressed (as was my dad). I had already heard their single “When Water Comes to Life” which I immediately fell in love with, but it wasn’t until the third album listen that I fell in love again (which is sometimes better than the first) with “May Your Heart Stay Strong”. I had to listen to it a few times to really get the entire story, but each time made me feel the build-up more than the last until my body was overflowing with these beautiful emotions. You don’t come across songs like that everyday. So, here is a taste of the beauty. You might want to check out the lyrics, because that was what sold the song for me:

must have died in the place where she first said i love you / spread his ashes with the breath of the last kiss that she blew / they decorate when featherless / they celebrate through hungriness / and it’s about time two minds combine, in such a fine, fine way

The strong earnest feelings that separates regular bands from extraordinary bands pulses through every line of this song, and this album for that matter. Add this to your “Must Buy With Next Paycheck” list. Until then, this should suffice:

download: Cloud Cult – May Your Heart Stay Strong

You can buy the album directly at Cloud Cult’s website, and I definitely recommend doing that!

Hi, my name is Natalie, aka New Atlantic. This is my attempt at extricating all this pent up music building up inside my head to the select few who will happen upon this local. I have a distinct taste in music that is artistic folk with a drop of whatever sounds good to my ears. It really is all up to them. So I hope you enjoy my ears!