After recently running across the Stars new album Do You Trust Your Friends?, I was made to rediscover an album and love I had long forgotten and thought I had moved past, but apparently I was very wrong. Number one, Stars Set Yourself on Fire was a phenomenal album, so obviously any remix would naturally carry that nostalgic feel to it. Some failed worse than others, but a few carried their weight.  For me, I loved the solid mixup of “The First Five Times” by The Russian Futurists. While they do seem to take some of the soft romanticism out of the song, they replace it with some sweet sounds. And “Ageless Beauty” made over by Most Serene Republic added some life into a droopy song with their upbeat acoustic overlay. This was a really interesting way to do a remix album, and I’m started to see more of it lately, and I kinda like it. Do You Trust Your Friends? is definitely not a good choice if you haven’t fallen in love with Set Yourself on Fire already, but a nice way to revisit it if you already have.

Stars – The First Five Times (Russian Futurists)

Stars – Ageless Beauty (Most Serene Republic)