Upon first listen to a few of Santogold’s songs, I couldn’t help but wonder if this was all an M.I.A. sideproject, but fortunately I was wrong and found Santogold instead. Fortunately Santogold’s album pulls away enough from M.I.A.’s sound to be able to distinguish herself and her sound. Currently one of RollingStone’s Artists to Watch, Santogold’s self-titled debut album is getting some good buzz as it well deserves. Rarely is the perfect combination of universal pop/hiphop/indie actualized.

For example, start off by having M.I.A. sing a Rihanna song, throw in some sweet bumpin’ electronic beats with a little sporadic noise and your getting close to the feel created by Santogold. The reggae/Caribbean groove influence is obvious and makes Santogold’s sound. Catchy melodies, memorable lyrics, interesting vocals, and just classic bad-assness add to its wide appeal. Really, this girl has it.

Santogold – L.E.S. Artistes (XXXChange Remix)